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Adrian speaking to a private group about the origins of The King Who Had To Go

Adrian is a very experienced public speaker who has addressed groups of all sizes in the UK, USA, France and Germany. He knows that the printed word can only tell a small part of the story and he relishes the opportunity to share his passion for history with live audiences through talks and open discussions. He can tailor his talks to suit the interests of any audience.

As well as the subjects of his books - abdication, appeasement and rearmament - Adrian covers a wide range range of topics from the 1930s and 1940s, spanning politics, military and social affairs. He also looks at the hidden workings of the top level of government since the turn of the century and the relationship between  the modern British monarchy, the press and the government.

His recent engagements include,


  • A public talk about Winston's Bandits at the Battle of Britain Bunker Museum in Uxbridge and talks to a number of private groups including a black tie dinner at a London Club

  • Appeasement - More Than Just Munich to a private group.

  • Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding: The Meagre Rewards of Triumph as part of the Royal Tunbridge Wells  Heritage Open Days. 

  • Three Deafeningly Silent Voices from the Abdication Crisis to the Barbers' Historical Society.

  • Power Is Where You Find It to the City of Westminster Guide Lecturers Association which situated the relationship between Downing Street and the top level of the Civil Service in both its historical and geogaphic context.

He is especially proud of having given the first ever history talk at the Café Littéraire Le Bovary in Luxembourg. Another noteworthy event was a talk on the intelligence dimension of the abdication crisis to some very well informed listeners at the Bletchley Park museum.

Adrian delivers his talks both in person and remotedly using systems such as Zoom. He is just as happy using visual aids to support his material as without. He speaks French and German fluently and is comfortable using either language for both the set component and Q&A.


Ask Adrian about speaking to your group.



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